Sunday, 21 December 2014

OSPF configuration example on Nexus switches

Below is the OSPF configuration example on Nexus switches. Here OSPF is enable on the directly connected interface between 7K switches.


Step 1:- Enable OSPF feature

N7K-1(config)# feature ospf

Step 2:- Enable OSPF Process

N7K-1(config)# router ospf 10  --<<<< OSPF process ID
N7K-1(config-router)# router-id

Step 3:- Enable ospf on particular interface

N7K-12-1(config-router)# int Eth1/1
N7K-2(config-if)#ip address
N7K-12-1(config-if)# ip router ospf 100 area 0


Step 4 :- Enable OSPF feature

N7K-2(config)# feature ospf

Step 5:- Enable OSPF Process

N7K-2(config)# router ospf 100  --<<<< OSPF process ID
N7K-2(config-router)# router-id

Step 6:- Enable ospf on particular interface.

N7K-2(config)# int Eth1/1
N7K-2(config-if)#ip address
N7K-2(config-if)# ip router ospf 100 area 0

Step 7 :-  Optional- Below command can be used if we want to disable the neighborship on particular interface.

N7K-1(config)# int Eth1/1
N7K-1(config-if)# ip ospf 100 passive-interface ---< To disable neighborship but still advertise the network

N7K-1(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-point --<< To change the network type

Verification :-

A. Show ip ospf neighbor

N7K-1# sh ip ospf neighbors
 OSPF Process ID 100 VRF default
 Total number of neighbors: 1
 Neighbor ID     Pri State       Up Time  Address      Interface         1 FULL/ -     00:00:08       Eth1/1

EIGRP configuration example on Nexus 7K switches

Below is the EIGRP configuration example on Nexus switches. Here EIGRP is enable on the directly connected interface between 7K switches.


Step1 :- Enable EIGRP feature

N7K-1(config)# feature eigrp

Step2:- Enable EIGRP Process

N7K-1(config)# router eigrp 100
N7K-1(config-router)# router-id

Step3:- Enable eigrp on particular interface

N7K-12-1(config-router)# int Eth1/1
N7K-2(config-if)#ip address
N7K-12-1(config-if)# ip router eigrp 100


Step4 :- Enable EIGRP feature

N7K-2(config)# feature eigrp

Step5:- Enable EIGRP Process

N7K-2(config)# router eigrp 100
N7K-2(config-router)# router-id

Step6:- Enable EIGRP on particular interface.

N7K-2(config)# int Eth1/1
N7K-2(config-if)#ip address
N7K-2(config-if)# ip router eigrp 100

Step7 :-  Optional- Below command can be used if we want to disable the neighborship on particular interface.

N7K-1(config)# int Eth1/1
N7K-1(config-if)# ip passive-interface eigrp 100 ---< To disable neighborship but Still advertise the network

N7K-1(config-if)# ip eigrp 100 shutdown  --<< To disable EIGRP on interface. Both hello packet and advertisement will be stopped.

Verification :-

A.Show ip eigrp neighbor

N7K-1(config-if)# sh ip eigrp neighbors
IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 100 VRF default
H   Address                 Interface       Hold  Uptime  SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                            (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
0               Eth1/1         14   00:00:42  9    200   0   3

   B.Show ip route

N7K-5-1# sh ip route
IP Route Table for VRF "default"
'*' denotes best ucast next-hop
'**' denotes best mcast next-hop
'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric], ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached
    *via, Eth1/1, [0/0], 00:20:41, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached
    *via, Eth1/1, [0/0], 00:20:41, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0
    *via, Eth1/1, [90/3072], 00:00:09, eigrp-100, internal

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Nexus - HSRP Configuration example

Below is the HSRP configuration example.

Below is the HSRP configuration example.


feature hsrp
feature interface-vlan

vlan 100

int eth1/1
switchport mode trunk
 no shut

int vlan 100
ip address
hsrp 100
priority 105
 no shut


feature hsrp
feature interface-vlan

vlan 100

int eth1/1
switchport mode trunk
 no shut

int vlan 100
ip address
hsrp 100
no shut


1.  show hsrp brief

N7K-1#show hsrp brief
P indicates configured to preempt.
Interface Grp Prio P State Active addr Standby addr Group addr
Vlan100   100 105  P Active    local

2. show hsrp interface vlan 100

N7K-1#show hsrp interface vlan 100
Vlan100 - Group 100 (HSRP-V1) (IPv4)
  Local state is Active, priority 105 (Cfged 105), may preempt       Forwarding threshold(for vPC), lower: 1 upper: 105
  Hellotime 3 sec, holdtime 10 sec
  Next hello sent in 0.821000 sec(s)
  Virtual IP address is (Cfged)
  Active router is local
  Standby router is , priority 100 expires in 0.411000 sec(s)
  Authentication text "cisco"
  Virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac64 (Default MAC)
  1 state changes, last state change 00:04:11
  IP redundancy name is hsrp-Vlan100-100 (default)

Friday, 5 December 2014

VPC+ configuration example

Below is the VPC+ configuration example.

VPC+ is configured between N5k-1 and N5k-2 where fabric path is configured on the VPC peer-link. We assume that Teaming is properly configured on the server end and hence only switch side configuration is demonstrated here.


Install feature-set fabricpath  //--<<<< It must be executed in Default or Admin VDC //
feature-set fabricpath
feature lacp

fabricpath switch-id 71  //--<< To configure Static switch-id otherwise it will be dynamically assigned//

vlan 100
  mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/1
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/3
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/4
  switchport mode fabricpath

N7K-2 :-

Install feature-set fabricpath
feature-set fabricpath
feature lacp

fabricpath switch-id 72

vlan 100
  mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/1
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/3
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/4
  switchport mode fabricpath

N5K-1 :-

Install feature-set fabricpath
feature-set fabricpath
feature Lacp
feature vpc

fabricpath switch-id 51

vpc domain 100
 peer-keepalive destination
  fabricpath switch-id 55  //----<<<<<<<<<<<< Must be configured for VPC+ //

vlan 100
  mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/1
  Channel-group 1 mode active
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/2
  Channel-group 1 mode active
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface port-channel1
  switchport mode fabricpath
  VPC peer-link

interface Ethernet1/3
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/4
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/5
Channel-group 2000 mode active
  switchport mode trunk

int po2000
switchport mode trunk
vpc 2000
no shut

N5K-2 :-

install feature-set fabricpath
feature-set fabricpath
feature lacp
feature vpc

fabricpath switch-id 52

vlan 100
mode fabricpath

vpc domain 100
 peer-keepalive destination
  fabricpath switch-id 55

Note:- If you missed to configure sub switch-id under VPC domain then VPC peer-link will remain down.

interface Ethernet1/1
Channel-group 1 mode active
 switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/2
Channel-group 1 mode active
switchport mode fabricpath

interface port-channel1
  switchport mode fabricpath
  VPC peer-link

interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/4
  switchport mode fabricpath

interface Ethernet1/5
 Channel-group 2000 mode active
  switchport mode trunk

int po2000
switchport mode trunk
vpc 2000
no shut


1. Show fabricpath switch-id

N7K-1# show fabricpath switch-id
                        FABRICPATH SWITCH-ID TABLE
Legend: '*' - this system
51          0005.73bd.fabc    Primary     Confirmed     Yes     No
52          0005.73bf.337c    Primary     Confirmed     Yes     No
55          0005.73bd.fabc    Primary     Confirmed     No      Yes
55          0005.73bf.337c    Primary     Confirmed     No      Yes
*71          0026.980d.4143    Primary     Confirmed    Yes     No
72          0026.980d.3c43    Primary     Confirmed     Yes     No

2. Show fabricpath isis adjacency

N7K-1# show fabricpath isis adjacency
Fabricpath IS-IS domain: default Fabricpath IS-IS adjacency database:
System ID       SNPA            Level  State  Hold Time  Interface
N5K-1        N/A             1      UP     00:00:28   Ethernet1/3
N5K-2        N/A             1      UP     00:00:26   Ethernet1/4
N7K-2         N/A             1      UP     00:00:28   Ethernet1/1

3. Show vpc brief

N5K -2(config-if)# show vpc brief
                (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                   : 100
vPC+ switch id                  : 55
Peer status                     : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status           : peer is alive
vPC fabricpath status           : peer is reachable through fabricpath---<<<<<<
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status     : success
Type-2 consistency status       : success
vPC role                        : secondary
Number of vPCs configured       : 1
Peer Gateway                    : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs      : -
Graceful Consistency Check      : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po1    up     100

vPC status
id     Port        Status Consistency Reason       Active vlans vPC+ Attrib
--     ----------  ------ ----------- ------       ------------ -----------
2000     Po2000        up     success     success      100          DF: Partial

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Single sided VPC configuration Example

Below is the single side VPC configuration example. In the below example 7Ks are configured in VPC so that downstream switch i.e 5K will believe that it is connected to only one upstream switch.

Note:- VPC configuration will only be done on the 7Ks not on the 5K as for 5K it is just a normal port channel.

As we know to create VPC we need two type of connectivity as mentioned below:-

1.VPC peer-link

VPC peer-link can only be configured on the layer-2 port-channel containing Ten-gig links. It cannot be configured on physical interfaces. For complete redundancy we should chose interfaces from different modules and must contain more than one interface.

VPC peer-link command is used to convert the port-channel to peer-link.

2.VPC peer-keepalive link

VPC peer-keepalive link is a L3 interface and it is just a backup to the peer-link but it will not pass any user traffic. Only hello packets are exchange over keepalive link. There is no impact if the peer-keepalive link is down and peer-link is up.

VPC peer-keepalive link can be configured using management interface or any L3 interface in default or any other VRF. Cisco recommends to use a dedicated vrf for peer keepalaive link.


Step1:- Enable Feature VPC

N7K-1(config)# feature vpc

Step 2:- Enable Feature LACP

N7K-1(config)# feature lacp

Step 3:- Create VPC domain. Make sure it is same on the VPC peer otherwise VPC will remain in down state.

N7K-1(config-if-range)# vpc domain 100
N7K-1(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination --<< Mgmt IP of N7K-2
 --------:: Management VRF will be used as the default VRF ::--------

We get the below output if domain Id are different on peers switches.

N7K-1(config)# show vpc brief
                (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 100
Peer status                       : peer link not configured
vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive, but domain IDs do not match  -----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Configuration consistency status  : failed
Per-vlan consistency status       : failed
Configuration inconsistency reason: vPC peer-link does not exist
Type-2 consistency status         : failed
Type-2 inconsistency reason       : vPC peer-link does not exist
vPC role                          : none established
Number of vPCs configured         : 0
Peer Gateway                      : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs        : -
Graceful Consistency Check        : Disabled (due to peer configuration)
Auto-recovery status              : Disabled

We get below output when peer switches are reachable via peer keepalive link.

N7K-1(config-vpc-domain)# show vpc brief
                (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 100
Peer status                       : peer link not configured -<<
vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive  -----<<<
Configuration consistency status  : failed
Per-vlan consistency status       : failed
Configuration inconsistency reason: vPC peer-link does not exist  ---<<<<<<<<<
Type-2 consistency status         : failed
Type-2 inconsistency reason       : vPC peer-link does not exist
vPC role                          : none established
Number of vPCs configured         : 0
Peer Gateway                      : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs        : -
Graceful Consistency Check        : Disabled (due to peer configuration)
Auto-recovery status              : Disabled

Step 4:- Create port-channel for vpc peer-link. As soon as VPC PEER-LINK command is configured on
port channel the port type is changed to network and bridge assurance is enabled on the port-channel.

N7K-1(config)# int eth1/1-2
N7K-1(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode active
N7K-1(config-if-range)# no shut

N7K-1(config-if-range)# int po1
N7K-1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
N7K-1(config-if)# vpc peer-link
Please note that spanning tree port type is changed to "network" port type on vPC peer-link.
This will enable spanning tree Bridge Assurance on vPC peer-link provided the STP Bridge Assurance
(which is enabled by default) is not disabled.
N7K-1(config-if)# no shut

Step 5:- Configure port-channel connected to 5K.

N7K-1(config)# int eth1/3
N7K-1(config-if-range)# channel-group 10 mode active
N7K-1(config-if-range)# no shut

N7K-1(config-if-range)# int po10
N7K-1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk


Step 6:- Enable vpc and lacp feature

N7K-2(config)# feature vpc
N7K-2(config)# feature lacp

Step7:- Configure VPC Domain and vpc peer-keepalive link.

N7K-2(config-if-range)# vpc domain 100
N7K-2(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination --<< Mgmt IP of N7K-1
 --------:: Management VRF will be used as the default VRF ::--------

Step8:- Configure VPC peer-link

N7K-2(config)# int eth1/1-2
N7K-2(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode active
N7K-2(config-if-range)# no shut

N7K-2(config-if-range)# int po1
N7K-2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
N7K-2(config-if)# vpc peer-link
Please note that spanning tree port type is changed to "network" port type on vPC peer-link.
This will enable spanning tree Bridge Assurance on vPC peer-link provided the STP Bridge Assurance
(which is enabled by default) is not disabled.
N7K-2(config-if)# no shut

Step9:- Configure vpc port-channel connected to N5k

N7K-2(config)# int eth1/3
N7K-2(config-if-range)# channel-group 10 mode active
N7K-2(config-if-range)# no shut

N7K-2(config-if-range)# int po10
N7K-2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk


Step10:- Enable LACP feature

N5K-1(config)# feature lacp

Step 11:- Configure port-channel connected to 7Ks.

N7K-2(config)# int eth1/1-2
N7K-2(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode active
N7K-2(config-if-range)# no shut

N7K-2(config-if-range)# int po1
N7K-2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Note: - There is no need to configure VPC on 5K. As for 5K it just another port channel going to uplink switch.
VPC peering is up when both side peer-link and keepalive links are up as shown below.

N7K-1(config-if)# show vpc brief
                (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 100
Peer status                       : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status  : success
Per-vlan consistency status       : success
Type-2 inconsistency reason       : Consistency Check Not Performed
vPC role                          : primary
Number of vPCs configured         : 0
Peer Gateway                      : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs        : -
Graceful Consistency Check        : Enabled
Auto-recovery status              : Disabled

vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po1    up     1

VPC can be verified using show vpc role command. ROLE PRIORITY command under VPC domain can be used to change the VPC role but bouncing of VPC peer link is required to apply the new configured priority.

N7K-1(config-if)# show vpc role

vPC Role status
vPC role                        : primary
Dual Active Detection Status    : 0
vPC system-mac                  : 00:23:04:ee:be:64
vPC system-priority             : 32667
vPC local system-mac            : 00:26:98:0d:3c:c4
vPC local role-priority         : 32667

Below command can show the status of the peer-keepalive link and its statistics.

N7K-1(config-if)# show vpc peer-keepalive

vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive
--Peer is alive for             : (8525) seconds, (220) msec
--Send status                   : Success
--Last send at                  : 2014.12.19 17:55:30 978 ms
--Sent on interface             : mgmt0
--Receive status                : Success
--Last receive at               : 2014.12.19 17:55:30 978 ms
--Received on interface         : mgmt0
--Last update from peer         : (0) seconds, (139) msec

vPC Keep-alive parameters
--Destination                   :
--Keepalive interval            : 1000 msec
--Keepalive timeout             : 5 seconds
--Keepalive hold timeout        : 3 seconds
--Keepalive vrf                 : management
--Keepalive udp port            : 3200
--Keepalive tos                 : 192

Below command shows the consistency check between the VPC peers. Peer with Consistency type-1 are not allowed to make pair.

N7K-1(config-if)# show vpc consistency-parameters global

        Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

Name                        Type  Local Value            Peer Value
-------------               ----  ---------------------- -----------------------
STP Mode                    1     Rapid-PVST             Rapid-PVST
STP Disabled                1     None                   None
STP MST Region Name         1     ""                     ""
STP MST Region Revision     1     0                      0
STP MST Region Instance to  1
 VLAN Mapping
STP Loopguard               1     Disabled               Disabled
STP Bridge Assurance        1     Enabled                Enabled
STP Port Type, Edge         1     Normal, Disabled,      Normal, Disabled,
BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard        Disabled               Disabled
STP MST Simulate PVST       1     Enabled                Enabled
Allowed VLANs               -     1                      1
Local suspended VLANs       -     -                      -

Particular vpc port-channel consistency parameter can also been seen using below command.

N7K.;-1(config-if)# show vpc consistency-parameters interface po10

        Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

Name                        Type                      Local Value                                Peer Value
-------------               ----  ---------------------- -----------------------
STP Port Type               1                         Default                                       Default
STP Port Guard              1                        None                                          None
STP MST Simulate PVST       1                Default                                       Default
lag-id                      1                                 [(7f9b,                                         [(7f9b,
                                                            0-23-4-ee-be-64, 800a,                   0-23-4-ee-be-64, 800a,
                                                            0, 0), (8000,                                       0, 0), (8000,
                                                             0-5-73-ca-90-1, 13, 0,                    0-5-73-ca-90-1, 13, 0,
                                                                      0)]                                             0)]
mode                        1                                 active                                       active
Speed                       1                                10 Gb/s                                       10 Gb/s
Duplex                      1                                 full                                             full
Port Mode                   1                            trunk                                           trunk
Native Vlan                 1                                 1                                             1
MTU                         1                               1500                                          1500
Allowed VLANs               -                     1-4094                                          1-4094
Local suspended VLANs       -                     -                                                   -