Monday, 27 October 2014

What is Zoning - Storage 12

Zoning is way to restrict the communication between the initiator and the targets. By using Zoning only assigned target is visible to the initiator.

 In Ethernet, host connected to LAN is able to see all the devices connected on the same vlan but in VSAN there is another layer of restriction called zoning to restrict the visibility between initiator and targets. Devices within a zone can able see each other.

There are two types of Zoning available.

1.  Hard Zoning:- It is implemented at the ASIC level and hence devices cannot communicate if hard zoning is a restricting the communication.

It not only creates a barrier to the visibility between devices but also restrict the data transfer between the ports in different zones. It restricts both control and data plane traffic.

Zoning done on the basis of the switchport are called port-based zoningSometimes hard zoning also known as port-based zoning.

It can be one of the below three types:-
·  One to one:- Initiator and target are mapped in single zoning configuration and hence initiator can only see one target.
·  One to many:- Initiator and many target are in one zone. Hence many targets are visible to the initiator.
·  Many to many:- Many initiator and many targets are in one zone. A single port can be configured on multiple targets.

Advantage: -
Ø  As it is implemented on the ASIC hardware level, it provides higher level of security as the data can be sent between the ports on same zone only. No data will be allowed to between the hosts of different zone.
Ø  It increases the routing performance as the zoning is applied at the hardware level.

Disadvantage: -
Ø  It is not a flexible solution as devices must be connected to the same port in order to communicate the other devices in the zone. In case of port failure, zoning must be changed on all the switches in the fabric which is a difficult task in large environment.

2.  Soft Zoning:- Zoning based on PWWN and NWWN are known as soft zoning. It is implemented on the operating system level. It only restricts the control packet information not the data plane.

As soon as a device is connected to the fabric, it sends a request to name service about all the devices present in the same zone.

Ø  It is very flexible as compared to hard zoning.

Ø  Device will not see any devices in other zones. By any chance if the device knows the destination and send the FC frame to the target then Software zoning has no way to restrict the communication.  As a result it is less secure than hard zoning.

Note:- MDS 9000 supports both hard and soft zoning.

Port Types - Storage 11

Below are most common port types in storage.

1. N-Port (Node Port):- Port on the end host device like storage (target) or server (initiator). N-port cannot be configured on the switch side.

2. NL-Port (Node Loop port):- Host that are connected in Arbitrated loop has the NL port.

3. F-port (Fabric Port):- Switchport that are connected to N-port are configured as F-port.

4. FL-Port (Fabric Loop port):- Switchport connected to NL port are configured with FL port.

5. E-Port (Expansion Port):- Port between the switches is configured as E-port. Expansion ports are similar to trunk port in Ethernet. Also known as ISL (Inter switch-link).

6. TE-port (Trunk expansion port):-  It is known as extended ISL which is analogous to 802.1Q to allow multiple VSANs on the E-port. There is no configuration to make a TE port. It is automatically configured as soon as multiple VSANS are configured on a switch.

7. TN-Port (Trunk Node Port):- N-port of hosts that support multiple VSANS are known as TN port. Need of trunk F-port is required in case when host device supports multiple vsan at a time like ESX.

8. TF-Port (Trunk Fabric Port):- Switchport connected to TN port is configured as TF port.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Fibre channel Addressing - Storage 10

1. World Wide Node Name (WWNN):- Sometimes it is also called as NWWN (Node World Wide Name).It is an 8-byte address used to identify device in the fabric.Every device in Fabric has its own WWNN.

No device can have two WWNN. Each node or HBA has one WWNN. If a server has two HBA then they have two WWNN.

2. World Wide Port Name (WWPN):- Also known as PWWN (Port World Wide Name). It is used to identify port on a device (switch or HBA card). Each port on a device has its own PWWN. It is also 8-Byte address.

3. Fabric Assigned Port World Wide Name (FAPWWN):-Some vendors like IBM also support Virtual PWWN called FAPWWN. These can be used to pre-configure the Zoning in order to increase the deployment efficiency.

4. Fabric Channel ID:- Referred to as FCID. Since there is a potential problem if 64 bits PWWN is used for routing, FC has used another address scheme.  FCID is used by the data plane to switch the traffic. FCID persistence is enabled by default to make sure it will not change after the device reboot.

FCID is 24 bit or 3 byte address assigned automatically to each port by switch. A switch can have different FCIDs for different VSANs.

FCID can be manually or dynamically assigned. Some HBAs doesn't allow the targets in the same area, static assignment can be useful in such scenario.

MDS-01# config t
MDS-01(config)# fcdomain fcid database
MDS-01(config-fcid-db)# vsan 100 wwn 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 fcid 0x010101

FCID is made up of three fields:-
  • Domain ID: - It is the most significant byte that is a unique identifier assigned to each switch in a fabric. We can have 2 ^8 = 256 address available but few addresses are reserved and hence only 239 addresses can be used. It can either be assigned manually or dynamically.

   Domains ID are assigned by the Principle switch. PS is nothing but a general switch in the fabric that is responsible to assign the Domain IDs. Please refer to the below blog to find the more details about the Domain ID.

  • Area ID: - It gives 2^8=256 addresses. In director switches there can be more than 256 switchport. And hence Area ID is the shared between the groups of ports. It cannot be configured and automatically configured by switches. 
  • Port ID: - It is used to identify individual ports connected to N or NL port.

VTP type-2 configuration incompatible error in Cisco Nexus switch

If we get VTP type-2 configuration incompatible error in show VPC brief command as shown below.

N7K-6-2(config)# show vPC brief
                (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 10
Peer status                       : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status  : success
Per-vlan consistency status       : success
Type-2 consistency status         : failed
Type-2 inconsistency reason       : VTP type-2 configuration incompatible ---<<<<<
vPC role                          : primary
Number of VPCs configured         : 0
Peer Gateway                      : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs        : -
Graceful Consistency Check        : Enabled
Auto-recovery status              : Disabled

vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po10   up     1,20

Then please make sure VTP version, domain, mode and password is same on the peers.

N7K-6-2# show vpc consistency-parameters interface po10
Note: **** Global type-1 parameters will be displayed for peer-link *****
        Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

Name                        Type  Local Value            Peer Value
-------------               ----  ---------------------- -----------------------
STP Mode                    1     Rapid-PVST             Rapid-PVST
STP Disabled                1     None                   None
STP MST Region Name         1     ""                     ""
STP MST Region Revision     1     0                      0
STP MST Region Instance to  1
 VLAN Mapping
STP Loopguard               1     Disabled               Disabled
STP Bridge Assurance        1     Enabled                Enabled
STP Port Type, Edge         1     Normal, Disabled,      Normal, Disabled,
BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard        Disabled               Disabled
STP MST Simulate PVST       1     Enabled                Enabled
VTP domain                  2     lab                    test                ---------------<<<<<<
VTP version                 2     1                      1
VTP mode                    2     Server                 Server          ---------------<<<<<<
VTP password                2     lab123               test             ----------------<<<<<<
VTP pruning status          2     Disabled               Disabled
Allowed VLANs               -     1                      1
Local suspended VLANs       -     -                      -

Even if you see the errors then try below steps:- 
1.       Disable and re-enable the VTP feature.
2.       Reconfigure the VTP password.
3.       Change the mode to server to client then back to server.
4.       Also check the layer-2 connectivity between the peers via peer link. It could be a problem with one or more of the peer link member port. Check for errors on the physical link of the peer link port-channel.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Fabric Login Process - Storage Basics-9

Below are the three login processes which are responsible for the creation and maintenance of communication link between initiator and target.

  1. Fabric Login:- It is known as FLOGI. It establishes the session between N-port and F-port. It is mandatory process for point-to-point and Fabric topology, without it N_port will not able to send or receive data. It is optional for Arbitrated loop. It performs below function so that N_port can register to the fabric.
  • As soon as N_port is connected to F_port, it will register itself in the fabric by sending the fabric login request. In return F_port will assign a 24-bit FCID to the N-port.
  • N_port also negotiate the link flow control parameter i.e. Buffer-to-Buffer credit with F_port.
  • If N_port and F_port supports authentication then they are negotiate the authentication parameters during FLOGI.
   N_port sends the Flogi frame (containing WWNN, WWPN and B2B credit) to a well-known address of 0xFFFFFE. In return switch will send the accept frame (ACC).

  2. N-Port Login:- It is also known as PLOGI. It creates a FC4 session between the end devices.  It is responsible to create and maintain the session between two N-Port. During PLOGI, N_port will negotiate the end-to-end credit. PLOGI also enables N_port to learn other characteristics like WWNN, WWPN etc. of other end N_port.

N_port sends the PLOGI on a well-known address of 0xFFFFFC.

  3. Process Login:- Also known as PRLI. It creates and maintains a session between two FC4 processes that are connected via two different N_port between initiator and target.

Disk Subsystem Components - Storage Basics-3

Every intelligent Disk subsystem consists of the below components.

1.SAN:- Server can be connected either directly to the disk subsystem or indirectly via Storage area network. SAN can be made up of SCSI, Fibre channel or iSCSI infrastructure.

2.Connection Points:- Servers are connected to Disk subsystem via connection points. Each subsystem must be connected more than one connection point to provide redundancy. Small Storages have one or two connection points and 6 to 8 hard disks.

3.Controller:- Disk controller are used to handle write and read operation to/from hard disks. With the help of controller, entire disk array appeared as one virtual hard disk to the servers.

Server sends the blocks of data to the controller and its controller responsibility to distribute the data to internal hard disk.

4.Hard disk:-This is the place where actual data is stored. It is very critical to choose the size of the Hard disk as it will limit overall maximum capacity of the storage. More disk in the storage means more read/write heads which will increase the throughput but then maximum capacity of the system will reduce. Application with high throughput will require hard disk with smaller space.

5. Internal IO channels: - It can use vendor proprietary methods or standard IO method i.e SCSI, FC etc.  to connect the controller and internal hard disks.

There are various design methods of Internal IO channel in order to provide redundant path between controller and hard disks.
  •    Active: - Every hard disk is connected to controller only via single IO channel. If it is broken hard disk will be isolated from Controller.
It is the cheapest and simplest method to provide the connectivity but not recommended as there is no redundancy.

  •    Active/Passive: - There are two traces of IO channel but only one path is active at a time. If primary link is down then controller will use backup link to read and write data to the hard disks.

  •    Active/Active No- Load Balancing :- Both the Channel traces are active but hard disk is only using one trace and keeping the other channel as backup.
As shown below Channel-1 is active only for hard disk 1 -3 whereas it is used as backup for Hard disk-2 and 4. Similarly Channel-2 is active for Hard disk 2and 4 and is used as backup for Hard disk1-3.

  •    Active/Active Load Balancing: - All hard disks are connected to controller via two separate IO channels and both the channel is used to perform read and write operation by the controller.
It is the best method to provide high fault tolerance.

6. Cache:- It is used by the controller to increase the read and write speed. There are two types of cache.
  •     Cache on the hard disk:- Generally the speed of IO channel are higher than the speed at which controller can write on the hard disk. So the data is being cached by the hard disk to make IO channel free and can be used for the data towards other hard disks.
  •     Cache on the controller:-Controller has its own cache which caches all the data sent by the servers and allow other servers to send data on the free channel. Controller has its own battery to protect data lose due to power failure.

Fibre channel Protocol stack - Storage Basics-8

 There are five layers in FC protocol stages which are quite similar to the OSI layer.

1. FC0:- It is equivalent to the physical Layer in OSI model. It belongs to the physical layer and defines the cable and connector used for the FC traffic. It sends the data in the form of bits “0” and “1” sequentially.

FC hubs are working in FC0 layer.

2. FC1:- It is responsible for the data encoding. It ensures the data error correction will be done in case of error.
It also performs the link creation and maintenance. It is equivalent to data link layer of OSI model.

8b/10b encoding is used in 1Gig, 2Gig, 4Gig, 8Gig whereas 10Gig and 16Gig standard uses 64b/66b encoding.

3. FC2:- It is the most important layer in FC protocol stack which perform various critical functions. It is equivalent to network OSI layer and is defined in FC-PI-2 standard.
FC switches works on FC2 layer.

FC2 layer performs the below functions:-

  A. Data block size handling: -   It defines how big data payloads   can  be send over the network.  Below are the few key words:-
  • Exchange:- Exchange is the session built between end machines to transmit and receive data. There can be multiple Exchanges between the hosts.
  • Sequence: - Payload or data is made up of big data units called sequence. It ensures the correct order of delivery as well and eliminates the out of order issues.
  • Frames: - Since each link can only sent a defined amount of data size. The big data blocks are broken down to smaller chucks known as Frames. Frames can consist of up to 2112 bytes. If one frame is lost then the entire sequence has to be retransmitted

FC2 not only ensures that the frame has been received successfully at the receiver end but it also makes sure that the frames are been sent or received in sequence.

B. Flow control: - It provides the flow control to avoid the situation at the receivers end and is known as credit limit. It makes sure that both transmitter and receiver are in sync and transmitter will not overload the receiver. It performs two types of flow control:-
  • Buffer-to-buffer credit: - It is also known as link flow control in which both end of the link negotiate data speed.
  • End-to-End flow control:- In End-to-End flow control, the speed is negotiated between transmitter and receiver
C. Addressing:-  Each device in the fabric has its own unique WWNN (world wide node name) and each port gets a 64-bit address called WWPN (world wide port name). As soon as port is up neighbor switch will assign a 24 bit value called FCID to it.

4. FC3:- It performs the below mentioned services as mentioned below. It is not used in FC protocols and can be used by using additional software but not implemented yet.
  • Encryption
  • Mirroring or RAID
  • Compression
5. FC4:- It is used to map the protocol data to the below layer. It encapsulates the data units and sends it to FC2 to perform the lower layer functions.

What is Mirroring? - Storage Basics-7

Mirroring is the process to provide redundancy. Data will be mirrored from one disk to another so that it can provide the fault tolerance in case of disk failure:-

There are two types of mirroring as mentioned below:-

1. Instant Copying: - It mirrors the data locally to the different hard disk in the same enclosure. It can provide redundancy but to a limited extend as it cannot prevent data lose at the time of complete enclosure failure.
2. Remote Mirror: - In remote mirroring, the data will be copied to the hard disk on the different enclosure which may be located on different data center.

·       Synchronous Remote Mirroring: - In synchronous mirroring, server sent the data to the disk-1 and then it mirror the data to Disk-2.  Disk- will only send the acknowledgement to server only after complete mirroring of data.

·       Asynchronous Remote Mirroring:- In asynchronous mirroring, Disk-1 will send the acknowledgement to server once all the data is written on it and simultaneously it will mirror the data to Disk-2. Disk-1 will not wait for the acknowledgement from disk-2 and will send the acknowledgement to server.

What is LUN masking? - Storage Basics-6

Controller abstracts all the physical disks to a single virtual disk and hence all servers will be able to see all the hard disk. Error generated by one server can impact the complete disk subsystem. LUN masking is the method by which servers will get access to the space they are allowed to. Server cannot read and write on the LUN allocated to other server.

LUN is a kind of filter which restricts the access between server and storage. There are two types of LUN masking:-

1.Port based LUN masking:- In port-based based LUN masking server will see all the disks attached to the storage port. It is not recommenced as there is no restriction between server and hard disks.

2.Server based LUN Masking:- Server will see only its own disk. It will not allow server to see or access the other disks.

What is JBOD? - Storage Basics-5

JBOD is just bunch of disk where all the disks are installed in an enclosure with common power supply. There is no controller present in JBOD and hence it cannot provide any RAID capability. Generally it has either 8 or 16 disks. Server will see each disk as independent disk and each require its own address.

Standard IO technique like SCSI and FC arbitrated loop can be used to connect to JBOD. As shown below all disks are connected in a ring to provide resiliency

It is similar to the hub topology where are the devices are connected in half duplex.  Only one device can transmit at a time and hence the total bandwidth is shared between all devices.

What is RAID? - Storage Basics-4

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disk. It is a method used to store the data efficiently onto the hard disk. It gives the method that not only distribute the data on various disks but also provide the mechanism which helps in providing the redundancy.

To understand the RAID methods we must understand the below terms:-

A. Stripping: - Stripping is the way to divide the incoming data by the controller and then distribute it to the various back end available hard disks. It provides load balancing of data to different hard disks.
B. Redundancy: - Redundancy enables us to restore the data in case of hard disk failure. Before writing the data to hard disk, controller creates two copies of it and then stores the redundant to different disk. It is also known as mirroring.
C. Parity:- Controller collect the data from the servers and then run an algorithm which results a value, similar to checksum ,called parity  and store it in a particular disk. In case of disk failure, data can be recovered with help of parity and remaining disk data.

  1. RAID0:- Incoming data from the server to controllers are being stripped by the controllers and then distributes the data to various hard disks. 
   In RAID0, there is no mechanism to provide redundancy as mirroring is not involved. It doesn't provide any fault tolerance and data will be lost in case of hard disk failure.

  • Data is load balanced between the hard disk and hence both the hard disks are equally loaded.
  • High performance - Controller can write and read from the hard disk simultaneously which increases both the read and write performance.
  • Less number of hard disk required to store the data as all the data is shared between the hard disk.
  • No fault tolerance mechanism is involved. 
  2. RAID1:-In RAID 1, data will be mirrored by the controller and then store in both the hard disk. Data can restored in case of hard disk failure.

  • Mirroring is involved to provide fault tolerance.
  • Wastage of memory - It requires double space of the actual data size as one disk is require to store the redundant data.
  • Less performance: - As the data has to be replicated and write to another disk, it is less efficient. It decreases the write speed whereas read speed is increases.
  • IO channel utilization: - Twice the original data is transferred by IO channel which will increase the IO channel utilization.
  3. RAID01:- Mirrored and then stripping.

In RAID01, controller creates two virtual disk consists of hard disks. Both the virtual disks are again virtualized as one and hence server will see only one hard disk.

Data received from server is first mirrored to the two virtual disks and then stripped between the physical hard disks.

  • Read performance is high as both the virtual disk can handle the read requests.
  • Failure of one hard disk will result in failure of one virtual disk. It is also very expensive to recreate the physical hard disk and then the virtual disk. Many of the storage doesn't even capable of recreating the lost data.
4. RAID10:- Stripped and then Mirrored.

In RAID10, data received by controller are first distributed on the virtual disk like in stripping and then mirrored to the individual hard disks.

  • Fault tolerance - There is no need to recreate whole virtual disk in case of one hard disk failure. Data will be lost only if both the mirrored disk got failed.
  • It is quite inexpensive as compared to RAID 0+1 to recreate the failed hard disk.
  • Less Read performance:- As only one virtual disk has the data, all the read request will be handle by the particular disk.
5.RAID4:- In RAID4, data is first processed by the controller to calculate the parity value and then the data is stripped between the hard disks whereas the parity disk is written on the separate disk.

In the below example, data is written on the four disk sequentially like RAID0 and the parity bit is stored on Disk5 which is dedicated for parity value only.

  • Less storage disk are required as there is no mirroring of the data.
  • Fault tolerance - Data can be recovered using party stored in the separate hard disk and other present hard disk.       
  • Since controller has to calculate the parity and then write the party to separate hard disk that requires extra time for the process and even there is only one party disk where all the parity will be stored. As write is only come to a single disk which makes it as a point of congestion.
6.RAID5:- RAID 5 is very similar to RAID 4 where the data is striped between all the hard disk and parties is generated and then write on the disk. But instead of the separate disk, parity will be written on all the disks as shown below

  • It provides all the advantages of RAID4.
  • Also since parity is being written on all the disks therefore there is no bottleneck as well.
  • Similar to RAID 4, Parity is calculated and written on the disk which consume time ( known as write cost).

Monday, 6 October 2014

Disk Subsystem - Storage Basics-2

In storage, the directly connected small disks are replaced by large storage subsystems connected via storage network.  It has the flexibility to assigned hard disk to the servers as per the availability. Servers are either connected to Disk subsystem directly or indirectly via SAN ( storage Area Network).

There are below advantages of using storage system.

1. High Availability:- Data will remain available if any of the disk fails. With the help of RAID configuration we can provide 100% data backup and fault tolerance.
2. High performance:-  All the disk are available to the servers and they can get the hard disk as and when they need it.
3. Instant Copy: - Controllers are responsible to perform the parallel write of data to multiple disks to increase the write speed.
4. Remote mirroring:- RAID controllers are available to provide high fault tolerance by copying the data to multiple disks.

Disk Subsystem:-  It consists of storage devices like Hard Disks, Tapes and Controllers. There can be a disk subsystem where controller is not present.

 JBOD (Just bunch of Disk) is the low cost storage subsystem in which all the disks are placed in single enclosure with common power supply. There is no controller present in JBOD. It is used for small deployments.

Components of Disk Subsystem-
  •   Storage Devices: - Hard disk and tapes are used to store data and to increase the fault tolerance we may need the controller to handle the individual disks.
  •     Controllers: - It’s like brain of the complete disk subsystem and makes the entire cluster of small disks as one big virtual disk. RAID (Redundant Array of independent disks) Controllers controls the disks subsystem and provide instant copy and remote mirroring features to provide high fault tolerance.
It is responsibility of the controller to store data to the hard disks.