Friday 11 December 2020

Can XFP-10G-MM-SR compatible with SFP-10G-SR ?

 yes, we can connect a transceiver XFP-10G-MM-SR in one side and SFP-10G-SR in other side.

Throughput license installation in ASR 1002-x

There is no need to install the license on the router as cisco ASR 1002-x supports RTU(Right to use) method where cisco trust the customer.

I have installed L-FLSA1-2X-5-10G= on the router 1002-x.

Below is the command to configure new throughput level but it requires the reboot to activate.

(config)#platform hardware throughput level 10000000

YOU MUST NOT PROCEED FURTHER IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO  BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN.   Use of this product feature requires  an additional license from Cisco, together with an additional  payment.  You may use this product feature on an evaluation basis, without payment to Cisco, for 60 days. Your use of the  product,  including  during the 60 day  evaluation  period,  is subject to the Cisco end user license agreement SHORTENED
Activation  of the  software command line interface will be evidence of your acceptance of this agreement.
ACCEPT? (yes/[no]): yes

ASR# write memory
Building configuration…

Proceed with reload? [confirm] 

After reboot, license remains as EvalRTU license for 60 days and then it changes automatically to Right-To-Use License

You can also use below command to move the license directly to permanent status instead of waiting for 60days.

ASR # license right-to-use move throughput

Use below commands to verify the throughput

ASR # show platform hardware throughput level

ASR# show license feature | include Feature|throughput

Sunday 25 October 2020

Steps to establish a physical connection in ACI

 To implement a physical connection in ACI, first define the following:

Domain – Defines what you want to connect (bare-metal server or switch, router, virtual environment, etc.).
VLAN/VSAN Pool – Defines which VLANs or VSANs this connection will use.
AEP – Groups the Domain(s) you need to allow through a specific port and their corresponding VLANs/VSANs.
Interface Profile – The interface for this connection.
Interface Policy Group – The set of policies applied to an interface.
Interface Policies – The actual policies (e.g. cdp, lldp, link speed, AEP, etc.) for this connection.
• Switch Profile – The Switch/Node for this connection.

Friday 25 September 2020

Host a SSL (https) website on Ubuntu

  Below are the steps to host a website on port 80. In the below example is the IP adddress on the Ubuntu server which will receive the customer traffic.

Step 1 : Enable SSL and restart Apache services

sudo a2enmod ssl

sudo service apache2 restart

STEP 2: Create a directory which contatin the certifcate and key.

Sudo Su

mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl

STEP 3: Generate self sign certificate and key

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key -out /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.crt

STEP 2:  Create the index html file and add the HTML code in it

nano /var/www/html/



<h1>Welcome to Website</h1>

<p>Website on port 8080</p>


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 4:  Add below ServerName in apache2.conf file

/etc/apache2/apache2.conf file:

ServerName localhost

STEP 5:   Add the website to the "SITES-AVAILABLE" FOLDER.

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/


ServerAdmin admin@localhost


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

DirectoryIndex index.html

SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateFile      /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.crt

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 6:  Publish the website on Ubuntu

sudo a2ensite

STEP 7:   Restart Apache service

sudo service apache2 restart

STEP 8:   Check the website syntax

apachectl configtest

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Host a website on Ubuntu on multiple ports

 Below are the steps to host a website on multiple ports. In the below example is the IP adddress on the Ubuntu server which will receive the customer traffic.

STEP 1: Create a directory which will contain the HTML page of the website.

Sudo Su

mkdir /var/www/html/

STEP 2:  Create the index html file and add the HTML code in it

nano /var/www/html/



<h1>Welcome to Website</h1>

<body style="background-color:orange;">


<p>Website on port 80</p>


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 4:  Give Sufficient permission to the folder

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/

STEP 5:   Add the website to the "SITES-AVAILABLE" FOLDER.

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/


ServerAdmin admin@localhost


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

DirectoryIndex index.html

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/80_error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/80_access.log combined


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 6:  Publish the website on Ubuntu


STEP 7:   Restart Apache service

systemctl restart apache2

Host a website on Ubuntu on port 80

 Below are the steps to host a website on port 80. In the below example is the IP adddress on the Ubuntu server which will receive the customer traffic.

STEP 1: Create a directory which will contain the HTML page of the website.

Sudo Su

mkdir /var/www/html/

STEP 2:  Create the index html file and add the HTML code in it

nano /var/www/html/



<h1>Welcome to Website</h1>

<p>Website on port 80</p>


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 4:  Give Sufficient permission to the folder

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/

STEP 5:   Add the website to the "SITES-AVAILABLE" FOLDER.

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/


ServerAdmin admin@localhost


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

DirectoryIndex index.html

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/80_error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/80_access.log combined


ctrl + X then press Y 

Press Enter

STEP 6:  Publish the website on Ubuntu


STEP 7:   Restart Apache service

systemctl restart apache2

Monday 21 September 2020

Host Multiple Websites on a Single Server with Apache on Ubuntu

Below config is to host multiple website which runs on different port on same server:-

Step1: Make two directories one for each port

mkdir /var/www/html/

mkdir /var/www/html/

Step2: Create index file for site on port 8080

nano /var/www/html/



<h1>Welcome to Website</h1>

<p>Website on port 8080</p>


CTRL X then press Y

press Enter

Step3: Create index file for site on port 8081

nano /var/www/html/



<h1>Welcome to Website</h1>

<p>Website on port 8081</p>


CTRL X then press Y

press Enter

Step4: Assign priviledge to sites

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/

Step5: Add 8080 site 

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/


ServerAdmin admin@localhost


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

DirectoryIndex index.html

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/8080_error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/8080_access.log combined


CTRL X then press Y

press Enter

Step6: Add 8081 site

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/


ServerAdmin admin@localhost


DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

DirectoryIndex index.html

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/8081_error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/8081_access.log combined


CTRL X then press Y

press Enter

Step7: Enable sites



Step7: Restart Apache

systemctl restart apache2

Sunday 20 September 2020

Stuck in Configuration Utility restarting - Big IP

1. Log in to BIG-IP .

2. Make a backup using below command :

 /config/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf cp /config/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf /config/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf.bk

3.Edit /config/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf 

Below is the command to make the changes. After the command press "i"  (insert) to enable the editing and once the changes are done, enter esc and type :wq!(write and quite).

vi /config/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf

Locate the following two "#ProxyPass" lines and  the below command .

#ProxyPass /tomcat/ ajp://localhost:8009/

#ProxyPass /examples/ ajp://localhost:8009/jsp-examples/

ProxyTimeout 10            #<----- Add this line

4.Save and close the file.

5.Restart httpd and tomcat.

bigstart restart httpd tomcat

Wednesday 16 September 2020

F5 default credentials and some interesting Facts.

 Below are the default credentials for F5. you can change the credentials during initial setup wizard.


Username: root

Password: default




Interesting Fact:-

  • Root and admin username cannot be deleted from F5.
  • BY default,  username admin doesnot have access to the CLI but we can assign either advance shell or TMOS access to the "admin" user.
System >> Users : User List>> click user admin>> choose tmsh from drop down of "Terminal Access">> click update
  • No GUI access can be given to user "root"

Global NTP servers

 NTP is a UDP based service which works on port number 123.It is recommended to use to find an NTP server.

All zones in All Pool Servers.

  • Africa — 
  • Antarctica — 
  • Asia — 
  • Europe — 
  • North America — 
  • Oceania — 
  • South America —

Below is the command to check the ntp status on respective platforms.

A. Windows 

w32tm /query /peers

B. Ubuntu


Wednesday 9 September 2020

DNS root server list - A-M

 Below is the list of root servers starting from a to m.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

SNMPv3 config on Cisco routers/Switches

1) Create an access-list to allow SNMP source servers.

access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 permit

All SNMP servers must be allowed in above ACLs.

2) Now, Create the new Group using below command.

snmp-server group GROUP1 v3 auth read access 10

3) Create new credentials using the group "GROUP1"

snmp-server user SNMP_USER v3 auth md5 PASSWORD-AUTH priv aes 128 PASSWORD2-PRIV

All bold text are variables.

Monday 3 August 2020

Enable Password vs Enable Secret command on cisco routers/switches

We all know that enable password is used to change from user mode to priviledge mode.

Enable password command will configure the password in unencrypted form whereas Enable secret command encrypts the password using MD5 hashing algorithm.

Enable secret command is always recommended.

Secret password will take precedence over enable password command.

Thursday 18 June 2020

uRPF and its modes : Strict vs Loose

Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (Unicast RPF) Is a security feature to address the spoofed address attack. it is recommended to configure it on the L3 interfaces of the routers to verify the reach-ability of the source address in packets. Packet will be dropped in case source IP address is not valid. 

Unicast RPF works in one of below modes:

1. Strict mode: Router will perform two checks:. 

    A. Router checks the routing entry for the source address of the packet and will drop the packet in case no route is present on the routing table for the source address.
    B. Router will ensure that the source of incoming packet is reachable via same interface. Router will drop the packet in case source address is learned via different interface than from the one, packet in ingress ed.


Int eth1/1
ip verify unicast reverse-path    --<<< Old command but still available on some platforms
IP verify unicast source reachable-via rx

ip verify unicast reverse-path (Unicast RPF)

2.  Loose mode: Only make sure that route for the source address is present in the routing table.

Int eth1/1
IP verify unicast source reachable-via Any

Note:-  Above matching criteria is not applicable for default route and will not allow traffic where source is only matching the default route. the " Allow-default" keyword is used to change this behaviour and traffic will be allowed where source address is matching only the default route.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

BGP: x.x.x.x Active open failed - no route to peer, open active delayed 9216ms (35000ms max, 60% jitter)

BGP: x.x.x.x Active open failed - no route to peer, open active delayed 9216ms (35000ms max, 60% jitter)

I was working on an issue and got above logs while doing the debug of BGP on the cisco router.

Below are the two thing which we need to test to resolve such issues.

1. Specific route for the BGP neighbor IP address. BGP neighborship is dependent on it and default route won't work.

2. Ebgp multihop. Make sure to configure the eBGP multihop command while making the ebgp neighborship on the indirectly connected routers.

Monday 2 March 2020

Cisco Traditional Vs Smart Licensing

Below are few important distance between Cisco traditional license and new smart licensing.

Traditional (node locked) licencing
Smart (dynamic) licencing
Manual individual license procurement and installation
Device initiates a call home and requests the licenses it needs.
Node-locked licences - license is associated with a specific device.
Pooled licences - licences are company account-specific, and can be used with any compatible device in your company. You can activate or deactivate different types of licenses on the device without actually installing a license file on the device.
No common install base location to view licenses purchased or software usage trends
Licenses are stored securely on Cisco servers accessible all the time.
No easy means to transfer licenses from one device to another.
Licenses can be moved between product instances without a license transfer. This greatly simplifies the reassignment of a software license as part of the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process.
Limited visibility into all software licenses being used in the network. Licenses are tracked only on per node basis.
Complete view of all Smart Software Licenses used in the network using a consolidated usage report of software licenses and devices in one easy-to-use portal.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

IP NAT inside source vs IP NAT outside source

IP NAT inside source vs IP NAT outside source

For more information please refer to below cisco link

Friday 14 February 2020

ISR 4331/4531 features in Evaluation mode

Below are the features available in Evaluation mode.

#sh license feature

Feature name Enforcement Evaluation Subscription Enabled  RightToUse
appxk9         yes          yes         no         no     yes       
uck9           yes          yes         no         no     yes       
securityk9     yes          yes         no         yes    yes       
ipbasek9       no           no          no         yes    no        
cme-srst       yes          yes         no         no     yes       
hseck9         yes          no          no         yes    no        
throughput     yes          yes         no         no     yes       
internal_service yes        no          no         no       no   

How to enable RTU package on ISR 4331/4531

config t
license accept end user agreement
license right-to-use move appxk9
config t
license boot level appxk9
wr mem

How to enable evaluation license

license feature appxk9

Friday 7 February 2020

Catalyst 9000 License

The previous cisco licensing is divided into three following feature sets:

A.     LAN Base: It is primarily a Layer 2 feature set which offers enterprise access layer 2 switching features. It doesn’t provide any l3 functionality.
B.     IP Base: It provides the enterprise access layer 3 switching features in addition to all LAN base features. It doesn’t provide the advance layer3 features.
C.     IP Services: - It is an advance enterprise layer 3 switching features including EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, PIM and IPV6 routing protocols. It also supports all the IP base features.

The Cisco Catalyst 9000 does not use the above feature set and has its own package types. All Cisco Catalyst 9000 hardware has two software options i.e. Essentials and Advantage. Each software option includes two components, as show:

License Level
Network Stack offer (Perpetual and embedded)
Cisco DNA Software Subscription offer (Term based)
Network Essentials
Cisco DNA Essentials (3, 5, or 7 years)
Network Advantage
Cisco DNA Advantage (3, 5, or 7 years)

The Network Stack license is perpetual and embedded in the hardware by default and it is aligned with the hardware PID(-E/-A).

The Cisco DNA license is term-based and preselected by default to the 5-year term but can be changed to 3- or 7-year terms. Minimum of 3-year term DNA license is mandatory.

Customers will be able to upgrade the Network Stack and Cisco DNA license levels for example, -E to -A license upgrade.

Here is the comparison between three-tier packaging and Catalyst 9K new two-tier packaging.

Below features are included in the advantage and essential packages:

Monday 3 February 2020

Install python and Paramiko on windows machine

We can follow below procedure to install Python on windows machine. Paramiko package is required for the ssh functionality wihtin the python. We cannot install the package directly and require a package manager called PIP. Below is the procedure to isntall paramiko on the windows box.

STEP A: Install Python:

1. Create a folder Python in system and download python from .
2. Run the exe file and follow the steps.
3. Once it is finished, python is installed on your system.
4. To install additional packages PIP is required. Follow below procedure to install PIP.

STEP B: Install PP
2. To install packages within python we need to install a package manager PIP. You can download PIP "" from
3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing.
4. Run the following command:python
5. Pip is now installed!

STEP C: Install Paramiko
1. Paramiko is used to ssh the devices.
2. Once PIP is install, you can install the paramiko package using command " pip install paramiko".

Thursday 30 January 2020

3850 stack requirement

3850 stackwise-480 supports mixed stack which means any model of 3850 cannot be used in a stack.

Whereas License(LAN base, IP base or IP services( and IOS XE version must be same on all stack switches. for example, Catalyst 3850 switches with LAN Base feature can only be stack with other 3850 LAB switches.

Maximum 8 switches can be part of single stack.

Cisco IPN configuration and hardware requirement

Below are the configuration requirement for IPN network.

1. Routed Sub-Interface with Vlan-4 : IPN device interface which is connected to Spine must be a sub interface and tag to vlan 4. We cannot use routed port or SVI for the interconnection. Also no other vlan tag can be used.

2. IPN device must support 9150B mtu and it is a mandatory requirement. Make sure all device in the path must support jumbo frames. Otherwise MP-BGP will flap between the SPINes of different PODs.

3. IPN device must support PIM BiDIR. It is used to carry BUM (Broadcast,  unknown unicast and multicast) traffic.

4. OSPF protocol. Only OSPF protocol can be configured between IPN and ACI fabric (Spines). No other protocol can be used.

5. DHCP relay must be configured if you want to perform the zero touch deployment of POD 2.

6. QOS POlicy:- It is not a madatory requirement but it is good to prioritize the Multipod control packets.

Hardware requirement:-

IPN device can be any box which can support aforementioned features. generally below hardware are used for IPN.

1. Nexus 7000
2. ASR 1K
3. N3K-C3548P-10GX

N3K-C3172PQ-10GE cannot be used as IPN device.

Saturday 25 January 2020

SSH accessibility check of multiple cisco router and save the output in a file

import paramiko
import time
import sys
import logging
import socket

remote_conn_pre = paramiko.SSHClient()

f= open("output.txt","w+")

ips = [i.strip() for i in open("ip.txt")]

import logging

for ip in ips:
        remote_conn_pre.connect(ip, username='test', password='test', timeout=4, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
        remote_conn = remote_conn_pre.invoke_shell()
        print (ip + ' === Device Reachable')
        f.write(ip + ' === Device Reachable'"\n")
    except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
        print ip + ' === Bad credentials'
        f.write(ip + ' === Bad credentials'"\n")
    except paramiko.SSHException:
        print ip + ' === Issues with ssh service'
        f.write(ip + ' === Issues with ssh service'"\n")
    except socket.error:
        print ip + ' === Device unreachable'
        f.write(ip + ' === Device unreachable'"\n")

SSH accessibility check on mulitple routers

Make a notepad contain IP address of the routers where we need to check the SSH accessibility.

import paramiko
import time
import sys
import logging
import socket

remote_conn_pre = paramiko.SSHClient()

ips = [i.strip() for i in open("ip.txt")]

for ip in ips:
        remote_conn_pre.connect(ip, username='test', password='test', timeout=4, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)

        remote_conn = remote_conn_pre.invoke_shell()
        print (ip + ' === Device Reachable')
    except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
        print ip + ' === Bad credentials'
    except paramiko.SSHException:
        print ip + ' === Issues with ssh service'
    except socket.error:
        print ip + ' === Device unreachable'

Friday 24 January 2020

Jumbo frame configuration on Nexus

I have tried to explain the MTU configuration on the Nexus platform. MTU configuration varies based on the port type and hardware platform.

1. Layer 3 MTU Configurations

MTU configuraiton on L3 port is quite straight forward. Configuration is also same on all the platforms. We just need to give the MTU command on the interface configuration mode.

Configure MTU on a Switched Virtual Interface (SVI)
interface vlan 1
mtu 9216

Configure MTU on a Layer 3 Port
interface ethernet 1/1
no switchport
mtu 9216

2. Layer 2 MTU Configurations

MTU configuration on L2 port varies based on the hardware. On some platforms, we have to modify MTU under network-qos policy whereas on some MTU commands can be given under interface configuration mode.

2.1 Using QOS policy
On below hardware, jumbo frames can be configured using QOS policy.
Nexus 3000: Includes Nexus 3048, 3064, 3132Q, 3132Q-X, 3132Q-XL, 3172, and 3500 Series switches
Nexus 5000: All Nexus 5000 and 5500 Series switches
Nexus 6000: All Nexus 6000 Series switches

    Configuration: -
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
  class type network-qos class-default
          mtu 9216
system qos
  service-policy type network-qos jumbo

2.1 Per-Port MTU Configuration
On below hardware, jumbo frames can be configured directly under the interface.
           Nexus 3000: Includes Nexus 3132Q-V, 3164, 31108, 31128PQ, 3200 Series, and 36180YC-R switches
Nexus 7000: All Nexus 7000- and 7700 Series switches
Nexus 9000: All Nexus 9200 Series switches (includes 92xxx), 9300 Series switches (includes 93xxx), and 9500 Series switches

Nexus(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Nexus(config-if)#mtu 9216

Wednesday 15 January 2020

How to create BD in Cisco ACI

In traditional networking, we used to have VLAN as the Layer 2 forwarding domain which also define the broadcast domain. Whereas in ACI, Vlan are just an identifier and doesn’t defines the L2 domain. Bride domain defines the broadcast and L2 domain in ACI.

Like Vlan SVI in traditional network, subnets can also be defined in BD. We can also define more than one subnet under BD.


2. Name BD and map the VRF to this BD. Press NEXT to proceed.

3. Configure the L3 parameters and Click + to configure the subnet information under BD.

 4.      Enter the BD IP address with subnet mask. Check the “MAKE THIS IP ADDRESS    PRIMARY”.

Private to VRF—Subnet remains local to the VRF and Tenant.
Advertised Externally—Subnet can be advertised out of ACI Fabric over L3 out.
Shared between VRFs—Subnet can be exported to other VRFs in case inter-VRF routing is required.

"Treat as Virtual IP Address" option is only checked in case of multiple Fabrics.

 5. You can see subnet details will be displayed in L3 configuration section. Click NEXT to Proceed.

 6. Click Finish to create the BD

Tuesday 14 January 2020

How to create VRF in Cisco ACI

In ACI, VRF concept is still the same as traditional network the only difference is VRF is not fabric wide unique but has a significance within the tenant.


2. Enter the VRF name and keep the other settings on default.  In this step you also get an option to create the BD. It is by default checked. Press Next to create the VRF.

3. If you don’t want to create BD in this step then uncheck the option and press Finish to create the VRF.

4. VRF is created once you click the Finish button.

How to Create Tenant on Cisco ACI

I assumed that your basic Fabric is UP where all the APICs/leafs and Spines are joined to the fabric.

The first step after the Fabric is up, is to create the tenant. Don’t confuse the tenant concept with the Nexus VDC. Tenant cannot provide the physical separation within fabric but is just a container of the policies. There are few types of default tenants present in the fabric like Infra, management and common tenant.

A Infra Tenant controls the infrastructure related policies like VXLAN overlay. It is by default in the system but can be modified by the administrator.

A Management Tenant controls the fabric wide management access( inband or out of band) related polices. It is also by default in the system and can be modified by the administrator.

A Common tenant contains the resources which are shared among the user VDCs like the connection to internet, firewalls, load balancer etc. Again by default in the system and policies in it can be modified by the administrator.

A user tenant is the one which is created by the Fabric administrator for the policies that can be used for the work loads like application, web EPGS. Below method shows how to create the an user Tenant.

     1.  Login to APIC and on the left top of the APIC HOME page you can see there is an option to add new tenant to the fabric. Click on “ADD TENANT”. 

     Adding a tenant to the fabric is a non-impacting change and can be done at any moment.

2.  Below screen will appear when you click on ADD TENANT. Add the Tenant name and click on Submit.

      3.    HK tenant will be created once you click the Submit button.