Monday 3 February 2020

Install python and Paramiko on windows machine

We can follow below procedure to install Python on windows machine. Paramiko package is required for the ssh functionality wihtin the python. We cannot install the package directly and require a package manager called PIP. Below is the procedure to isntall paramiko on the windows box.

STEP A: Install Python:

1. Create a folder Python in system and download python from .
2. Run the exe file and follow the steps.
3. Once it is finished, python is installed on your system.
4. To install additional packages PIP is required. Follow below procedure to install PIP.

STEP B: Install PP
2. To install packages within python we need to install a package manager PIP. You can download PIP "" from
3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing.
4. Run the following command:python
5. Pip is now installed!

STEP C: Install Paramiko
1. Paramiko is used to ssh the devices.
2. Once PIP is install, you can install the paramiko package using command " pip install paramiko".

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